Thursday 25 August 2011

BMW Of Northridge - How Color Influences The Character Embodied By Your Car

What does the color of your ride from Northridge BMW Dealer say about you? Is it a conservative shade of silver? Do you dream of a car that is a sophisticated black? Or a shining white set of wheels flashing off in the distance? Color is part of all these descriptions and influences people in their choice of vehicle and how satisfied they are with their car over time. With custom colors now in the hundreds, we have more color to think about than ever before.

When you consider custom colors, there are a dizzying number of choices. If before there was one shade of silver, we can now go from pewter to platinum. The shade of the color and the amount of metallic reflection in the paint can make a difference to a buyer. While a conservative person might choose classic silver, a young person buying their first car on their own might be drawn to a flashier shade of metallic.

The first thing we notice about a car is its color. Black says urban, mysterious, and sophisticated. Blue can be more delicate and dreamy. Ice blue may be cold. Green is the color of living things. Yellow demands that attention be paid and neon yellow screams for attention. Car designers offer several specific colors each year and spend time thinking about which colors are most likely to become a trend and catch the buyers attention.

Some people think they choose the color of their cars for practical reasons. When brown was a very popular color for cars in the seventies, people claimed they did not show the dirt as much. With environmental concerns about water conservation mounting, we may see a resurgence of brown cars that require less washing.

Call to mind, for a moment, the old stereotype of a man or woman having a mid life crisis. We imagine them purchasing a red sports car, not a blue mini van. There is something about red that says excitement and speed. When red sports cars mature, they are burgundy, a rich and regal color.

Car color does not cause changes in the performance of the vehicle, but on some level may influence how much satisfaction the owner gets from driving it. If the color is completely incongruous, the driver will trade the car in. Possibly without ever admitting it was the yellow exterior that drove them to it.

Maybe a car from BMW automobile dealers Orange County is more than just a means of transportation. The color of our cars may express something about how we view ourselves. Although many people choose their cars for sound reasons, like reports from consumer magazines or fuel efficiency, it is the color that first catches the eye.

If one is investing in a vehicle from Northridge BMW Dealers, it may seem silly to consider color. Now, however, there are many custom colors for cars and it may subconsciously influence how the driver feels about their selection. It is worth thinking about.

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